During the more than 19 years that we have been in business at Glendale Mobile Auto Glass, we have found that getting a windshield crack repair for one’s automobile is one of the most neglected services by car and truck owners in our part of Los Angeles. One of the big problems that we’ve noticed is that many people simply get lulled into a false sense of security when it comes to getting their car glass repaired due to all of the great weather that we see for much of the year. When you combine this with the fact that we also see most of our rain during the winter months, many auto owners simply do not realize that they have to fix the problems now before the cooler evenings come and cause the damage to spread to the point of requiring a complete car window replacement on their automobile. Even for smaller windows, these replacement jobs are significantly more intrusive than repair jobs, and at a minimum will cost the car owner more money to get the job done than a basic repair will. Many times, the complete replacement job will also take up a significant amount of time compared to repair jobs that typically only take between 30 and 45 minutes to get done. You should avoid these hassles by fixing cracks and chips in your auto glass as soon as you first notice them, no matter how nice the weather might be. Our expert team of auto glass technicians knows how to take care of the full range of auto glass issues that can arise, and we have some of the most competitive prices that you will find around Glendale and greater Los Angeles for mobile glass repair work. We also believe in standing behind all work we do for our customers 100%, and our guarantee is good for the lifetime of your ownership of the vehicle. If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call today.